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Telegram Scams

Telegram Scams: What to Do if You Have Been Scammed

Telegram, the popular messaging platform, has unfortunately become a hotspot for scams. Telegram scammers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, targeting Telegram users with a variety of fraudulent schemes. If you’ve been scammed on Telegram, don’t worry, you’re not alone. This guide will help you understand what to do if you fall victim to a Telegram scammer.

Key Takeaways

  • Spotting Telegram Scams: Learn about the different types of scams on Telegram, including fake channels, job scams, and tech support scams. Understand how scammers trick users and how to spot these scams.
  • What to Do After a Scam: Find out the steps to take if you’ve been scammed on Telegram. Learn how to report the scam, secure your accounts, and help others avoid the same scam.
  • Preventing Future Scams: Discover how to protect yourself from future scams on Telegram. Learn about two-factor authentication, safe online behaviour, and the importance of educating yourself about common scams.

Telegram Scams

My Personal Experience (I got scammed and lost £170!)

Even those of us who are savvy about money matters can get caught out by scams on Telegram! Here’s my personal experience that I had with a telegram scammer…

I stumbled upon a Telegram account that was selling a product I was interested in. It had a following of over 900 subscribers, so I thought, “Seems legit, right?” I went ahead and sent the money along with my delivery address. The very next day, I received a call. The caller claimed to be from the ‘company’ I had purchased the product from. They mentioned they were nearby and could personally deliver the item. It seemed convenient, so I agreed.

However, things took a strange turn. The caller insisted that I transfer an additional £1000 via BACS or bitcoin to receive my item. That’s when it dawned on me – I was dealing with a Telegram scam. I didn’t hesitate and immediately blocked all the numbers associated with that account.

What to Do if You Get Scammed

If you become a victim of a Telegram scam, it’s crucial to act quickly to protect yourself and potentially recover your losses. Start by blocking and reporting the scammer’s account to Telegram. This can help prevent them from scamming others. If you’ve shared your banking information, get in touch with your bank right away to secure your account and prevent attempts of unauthorised transactions.

Next, change your passwords for all accounts, especially if you use the same password across multiple platforms. Keep an eye on your bank accounts, credit cards, and other sensitive accounts for any suspicious activity. It’s also important to report the scam to local authorities or cybercrime units, as they may be able to investigate and track down the scammer.

To help others avoid the same fate, share your experience on social media accounts and forums. Make sure to leave the Telegram links/numbers associated with the scammer so others can avoid them.

telegram scam account

Common Telegram Scams to Watch Out For

Scammers use various tactics to trick Telegram users. Some of the most common scams on Telegram include fake Telegram channels and groups, classified ad scams, job scams, romance scams, crypto scams, and tech support scams.

Fake Telegram channels and groups often mimic well-known brands or services to lure unsuspecting users. In classified ad scams, criminals create fake listings for goods or services. Once you pay, the scammer disappears, and you never receive what you paid for. Telegram job scams involve fraudulent job offers that ask for upfront fees for “processing” or “training” materials.

Romance scammers build fake relationships to extract money from their victims, often asking for money for emergencies or travel. Crypto scams promise high returns on cryptocurrency investments but the scammers disappear once they get your money. Lastly, tech support scams involve fake tech support messages claiming there’s an issue with your account, asking for login credentials or payment for a fake service.

Dealing with Recovery Scams

If you’ve been scammed, you might encounter recovery scams. Scammers will pose as helpers, offering to recover your lost money for a fee. Be sceptical of unsolicited offers. Genuine recovery services won’t contact you out of the blue. Legitimate recovery services don’t require upfront payments. Scammers will take your money and disappear.

Here’s an example of a recovery scam message:

I saw your post when scrolling through the subreddit. I will advise you to contact an internet expert (USERNAME) on Instagram. He can help you trace and track down the real identity details of the scammer and get your money recovered successfully. He helped me out with a similar situation. I’m happy I met him.

So be cautious of these messages if you are seeking advice on social media, especially in the reddit group (where people often seek advice).

telegram scam account

How to Protect Yourself from Future Scams

To avoid falling victim to Telegram scams, verify the legitimacy of any Telegram account before engaging with them. Look for grammatical and spelling errors, which are often a sign of a scam. Avoid clicking on suspicious links as these can lead to phishing sites designed to steal your personal information.

Enable two-factor authentication on your Telegram account and other online accounts to add an extra layer of security. Be mindful of how much personal information you share online, as scammers flock to platforms where users overshare. Lastly, educate yourself about common scams and how to spot them. Knowledge is your best defence against fraud.

telegram bot scam

Final Word

Getting scammed on Telegram is a distressing experience, but you can take steps to protect yourself and minimise the damage. Remember, scammers thrive on fear and confusion. Stay calm, take action, and use your experience to help others. Share your knowledge, report scams, and always be vigilant.


What is a Telegram scam?

A Telegram scam is a fraudulent activity conducted on the Telegram platform where scammers deceive users to gain financial benefits or steal personal information.

How do Telegram scams work?

Telegram scams work by exploiting the features of the Telegram platform. Scammers create fake profiles or bot accounts, send suspicious links, or run various scams designed to steal personal or financial information from their victims.

Why do scammers use Telegram?

Scammers use Telegram because it allows them to create an account using only a phone number, making it easy to create fake profiles. Also, Telegram’s features like group chats, file sharing, and support for automated chatbots give scammers efficient ways to spread their scams to many people at once.

What are the most common Telegram scams?

The most common Telegram scams include fake Telegram channels and groups, classified ad scams, job scams, romance scams, crypto scams, and tech support scams.

How can I identify a fake Telegram account?

You can identify a fake Telegram account by looking for grammatical and spelling errors, checking the account’s activity history, and being wary of unsolicited messages or requests for personal information or money.

What should I do if I get scammed on Telegram?

If you get scammed on Telegram, you should immediately block and report the scammer’s account to Telegram, change your passwords, monitor your bank accounts for suspicious activity, and report the scam to local authorities or cybercrime units.

Can I recover my money if I get scammed on Telegram?

If you sent the money via BACS, there’s a small chance for recovery. However, if you sent money via cryptocurrency, consider it lost as it’s nearly impossible to trace.

How can I protect myself from Telegram scams?

To protect yourself from Telegram scams, verify the legitimacy of any Telegram account before engaging with them, avoid clicking on suspicious links, enable two-factor authentication on your Telegram account, and be mindful of how much personal information you share online.

What is a recovery scam?

A recovery scam is when scammers pose as helpers, offering to recover your lost money for a fee. They often contact victims of previous scams, promising to get their money back but end up taking more money from the victims.

Are there any safe practices for using Telegram?

Yes, always use strong, unique passwords and two-factor authentication to keep your account secure. Keep your Telegram app up to date and adjust the privacy settings to limit who sees your profile details. Be mindful of how much personal information you share and educate yourself about common scams and how to spot them. Knowledge is your best defence against fraud.